Applications Comparison
Applications Comparison
This comparison focuses on applications developed at Middlebury including Segue, Concerto and MiddMedia and how these applications compare to other applications in use at Middlebury as well as other applications on the market

Overlapping circles suggest overlapping features and functionality |
Segue may be best described as a "curricular content management system," that has features in common with course management systems (e.g. Moodle, Sakai, Blackboard ), content management systems (e.g. Drupal ), wikis (e.g. MediaWiki ) and blogs (e.g. WordPress ). | WordPress is a blogging application that has features in common with other blogging applicaitions including MovableType. Many other content management systems now have support for blogging including Segue, Drupal, Confluence and Moodle. |
Concerto and CONTENTdm are "digital asset management system," and as such has features in common with applications like DSpace, Artstor and the Madison Digital Image Database (MDID). | ERes is an electronic reserves system that built on documentum, an enterprise content management system. |
Moodle is a course management system similar to Blackboard, Sakai and Segue. | MediaWiki is a wiki application similar to other wiki applications such as Confluence. |
Harmoni is a "service-oriented application framework" similar to CakePHP and Ruby on Rails. Harmoni includes implementations of the Open Knowledge Initiative (O.K.I.) open service interface definitions (OSIDs). The O.K.I. OSIDs define services useful to academic applications such as authentication, authorization, repository and hierarchy management. Harmoni also provides a set of controllers and templates that coordinate configuration of services, the proper execution of application actions, and any post-processing of application output. The architecture is built on a popular module/action model, in which your PHP program contains multiple modules, each of which contain multiple executable actions. | MiddMedia is a lightweight media management application that simply allows users to upload audio and video files to a directory within a streaming media server and then makes the "embed code" for these files available to user to add to whatever content management systems are configured to handle this code. It provides functionality similar to YouTube and other video sharing services. |