
WordPress Usage Analysis

WordPress Usage Statistics
Sites 190
Registered Users 498

Manila was the first blogging tool in use at Middlebury introduced by Center for Educational Technology and put into production in April 2001.  MovableType was put into production at Middlebury sometime in early 2005 and many of the sites created in Manila were eventually migrated to MovableType.

WordPress MU is the current specifically blogging application deployed at Middlebury (there are also a number of blogs in Segue ).  This was put into production at Middlebury in the spring of 2008 and many of the blogs that had been created in MovableType were migrated.

For more information about the current state of WordPress at Middlebury, see: Blogging at Middlebury.  Below is a list of all the WordPress sites that have been created as of December 1, 2008.