PHP O.K.I. Community Summit
PHP O.K.I. Summit_Opening Address.mp3
Jeff Merriman is the Executive Director of the Open Knowledge Initiative
PHP O.K.I. Summit_ Harmoni.mp3
For more information about Harmoni, see: PHP O.K.I. Wiki
Concerto | Segue
PHP O.K.I. Summit_ Concerto _ Segue.mp3
For more information about Concerto, see: Concerto TourWe do not have an instance of Segue v2 available for public access. For screen shot animation, see:
Segue | Harmoni | Concerto
Segue | Harmoni | Concerto
The CAMPUS Project
PHP O.K.I. Summit_the_CAMPUS_Project.mp3
For more information about the CAMPUS project, see: