Widget Platforms

Widget Platforms

(13.24 MB)

Alex Chapin. “Widget Platforms” Nercomp 2009: Widgets in Education.

Widget Platforms


MyUOC is a implementation of iGoogle by the Open University of Catalonio (UOC) available to all UOC facuilty, staff and soon students. MyUOC is part of the CAMPUS project, an architecture that enables them to create tools that can be easily deployed in either Moodle or Sakai. 

The Topoi

The Topoi
is a Pageflakes "pagecast" created by Mark Marino, Jack Blum and Kevin Egan at the USC Writing Progam.  Topoi comes from the Greek word "topos," meaning place and is attributed to Aristotle.  This pagecast describes itself as a reinterpretation of an ancient tool.


MiddMedia is a is a video storage and streaming service for the Middlebury community with widgets available for WordPress, MediaWiki and Segue.