
The Subscribe2 plugin allows blog/site administrators to set up email notification for your blog so that emails can be sent to people who subscribe to your blog when new posts are published or in a “digest” form sent hourly, daily or weekly.

Blogs/sites that have activated the Subscribe2 plugin will allow you to subscribe to email notifications of new posts.  You can configure the format of these emails as well as the categories of posts that you wish to be sent email notifications for.

Blog/site Administrators

To use this plugin on your blog/site, do the following:

  1. Go to your blog Dashboard
  2. Click on Plugins > Installed
  3. Activate the “Search Everything” plugin (see: Plugins)
  4. Click on Settings > Subscribe2
  5. Configure notification settings

Blog/site Subscribers

To configure the subscription settings on blogs/site that have the Subscribe2 plugin enabled, do the following:

  1. Go to the blog Dashboard
  2. Click on Users > Your Subscriptions*
  3. Chose the format of the email you wish to receive (HTML – full, HTML – excerpt, Plain Text….)
  4. Select the Categories you wish to subscribe to
  5. Click on the “Update Preferences” button

* If you do not see this option, then the blog does not have the Subscribe2 plugin activated

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