

"Federating Resources Through Open Interoperability" A Symposium and Workshop
Lyon, France — June 24-27, 2008

Registration for OpeniWorld:Europe2008 is now open – you will find more information at

For its first European event, to be hosted in France by the Lyon 2 University (member of the Lyon University Consortium) in collaboration with MIT’s Open Knowledge Initiative, OpeniWorld will focus its attention on resource federation, one of today’s key educational technology challenges. Federation offers much promise for inter-institutional collaboration towards more effective learning as well as significant market opportunities for providers and consumers of educational content, software and services.

We look forward to seeing you in Lyon this June

OpeniWorld/MERLOT Interoperability Summit and Workshop

MERLOT International Conference, August 7-10, 2008We are proud to announce the OpeniWorld Interoperability Summit and Developer’s Boot Camp, a pre-conference workshop and session track of this year’s MERLOT International Conference.  The Summit will it’s focus on repository systems interoperability and federation and provides an opportunity for you to learn about the latest advancements in technologies available for designing and implementing interoperable content solutions.

OpeniWorld turns the spotlight on community use of interoperability techniques, specifications and standards to ease and enhance access to content and knowledge with an emphasis on interoperable solutions for content repositories. Interoperability enables education providers to deliver high quality, easy to use learning experiences to every student at affordable cost and with a minimum of technological distraction.

* As a Technology Stakeholder you will have the opportunity to participate in discussions on case studies and actual solutions in use at institutions in the US and abroad.

* As a Developer you will have the opportunity to participate in the development of a solution pertinent to a current need at your institution (note that developer seats are limited so please sign up early).

These tracks will cover the essential basics and goal centered topics helpful to understanding the benefits and strategies for using and developing interoperable applications using the OKI Repository OSID.

Extending the discussion panels and presentations on interoperability, and the developer workshop, you may visit our booth in the MERLOT Connections Area to see successful examples of interoperable applications, exchange ideas, and discover how you may benefit and implement these solutions in your enterprise.  You will also engage in ongoing sessions throughout the MERLOT conference, in cooperation with the Digital Marketplace.  Additionally, representatives for OSCELOT (Open Source Community for Educational Learning Objects and Tools) will be on hand to share and discuss the resources and activities of OSCELOT in support of sustainable open source software and content development.

Repository OSID Workshop at OpeniWorld:Europe2008

If you are a software developer interested in Repository interoperability or federation among repository systems, please consider joining us for the "Repository OSID Workshop: Techniques in Applied Repository Interoperability."

Jeff Kahn of Verbena Consulting will lead this 1-day Repository OSID Workshop on June 24th in Lyon, France, as part of OpeniWorld Europe 2008.  This will be a hands-on workshop for software developers interested in applied repository interoperability.  The workshop will introduce programmers to implementing the Repository OSID interoperability interfaces or using implementations of the interface for federated search or federated deposit.  Registration for this workshop is $200US, in addition to the existing OpeniWorld registration.  Attendance is limited to 10 individuals.

For more information please visit

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