
Since the introduction of the first OSID definitions in 2003, and the current version 2 OSIDs in 2004, the O.K.I. project has recieved countless kudos and complaints. OSID V3 strives to strengthen all that is right with the OSIDs while at the same time addressing the numerous issues that developers have raised over the years. From the troubles with Types, to issues with Iterators, and the general challenges raised through applying the OSID model to multiple programming languages we listened to what developers had to say.
In 2006 the O.K.I. Project began the more formal process of eliciting RFCs and developing a new set of service patterns aimed at easing the task of developing using OSIDs, while at the same time increasing interoperability. The result is a proposed interface definition specification that we fully expect to last well beyond the next decade
For more detailed infromation about the proposed OSID V3 specification, please refer to the How it Works section of this site.
Features, Benefits and New Services
Features and benefits:
- Improved web integration
- Per-User Session Management
- Hierarchical Typing
- Typing Through Interface Extensions
- Improved interoperability tests
- Interface-based search mechanism
- Searching within and paging results
- Asynchronous notifications
- Improved create & update of objects
- Clearer compliance definitions
- More precise method definitions
- Cataloging of OSID objects for organizing, tagging or workflow
Proposed New Services:
- Provisioning for resource allocation
- Learning Objectives to link Course Management, Grading, Assessment and Repository
- Locale for internationalizing services and applications
- Configuration for managing both user and OSID profiles and configurations
- Installation for finding and installing OSIDs from remote registries
- Topology for managing complex object and spatial relationships
- Payment for e-commerce