How to do it

How to capture stuff

[middmedia 0 achapin Capture-howtodoit.mp3]

Steps for capturing stuff:

  1. Press capture button on your capture device.
  2. Press stop button.
  3. Press save button.
  4. Move the stuff you captured to a "location" where you can edit it*
  5. Add title, labels, description…etc to your captured stuff
  6. Move your captured stuff to another "location" where you can:
    1. Distribute it to your family, friends, colleagues, students or the world
    2. Archive it so you can study it later as an exercise in self-realization

* Captured stuff should only be lightly edited

Step by Step Instructions

[middmedia 0 achapin capture-howtodoit02.mp4 width:428 height:350 splashimage:]