OpenID is a decentralized identity service base on open standards that allows users to log on to many different sites using a single digital identity. This would greatly simplify the creation of mashups that require authentication. At the same time, OpenID challenges how educational institutions handle identity:
Our students will begin turning up at schools, colleges and universities with perfectly good online identities (in much the same way that they now turn up with perfectly good email addresses) and that our educational institutions will have to begin functioning as Relying Parties (i.e. as the recipients of externally authenticated users). In short, students are part of the wider online community and their educational identity (persona) is only one facet of their lives.

Open Service Interface Definitions

Universal Widget

Universal Widget is an initiative started by Netvibes to develop an open widget framework that would allow for the creation of widgets that could be used in a variety of widget platforms including iGoogle, Yahoo, Mac OS and Windows Vista. It is not inconceivable that curricular applications couldn’t implement such a framework allowing them to use the same widgets….
It should be noted that W3C is working on a widget standard, see: Widgets 1.0: Requirements
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Mashups for the Masses