05 Questions and Quizzes

Question Bank

Moodle allows you to create a “bank” of questions that you can use in “quizzes” to assess student learning.  Questions can be of various types including essay, multiplechoice and “fill-in-the-blank” of cloze questions.  Here’s how you get started:

  1. Go to Administration > Questions
  2. Create a new question by choosing a question type
  3. Enter question name, text of question and possible answers (for question types such as multiple choice or cloze)
  4. Enter a grade, feedback (optional)
  5. Save changes


Once you have a bank of questions representing what you want your students to be able to answers, you can create any number of quizzes.  Here are the steps:

  1. Click on the “Edit this Site” link on the main page of your course site
  2. Chose Add an activity… > Quiz
  3. Enter a Quiz name, description and settings such as quiz start and end dates, attempts allowed, grading method….etc
  4. Click the “Save and return to course” button at the bottom of the settings page

Once you’ve created a quiz, the next step is to add questions to it:

  1. Click on your new quiz
  2. Click on the “Edit” tab
  3. Check questions from your Question bank to move into your new quiz
  4. Click on the “Save Changes” button

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