

Alex Chapin is a curricular technologist at the Middlebury College CodeLab. He has been collaborating with Adam Franco to develop  a number of open source curricular systems including the Segue Collaborative Knowledge System; Concerto, a digital assets management system and Harmoni, a service oriented framework for curricular applications based on Open Knowledge Initiative (O.K.I) standards for systems interoperability. He has received a grant from the National Institute for Technology and Liberal Education (NITLE) that supports some of this work.

Alex Chapin has a B.A. in psychology from Columbia University and an M.A. in History of Religions from the University of Virginia. He has a keen interest in Tibetan Buddhism, is a member of the Nalanda Translation Committee (which translates Tibetan texts), and is the multimedia designer of "Fluent Tibetan: The Vocabulary and Dialogues," a CD-ROM for learning Tibetan.  As well, he is the author of the upcoming iSpeak phrasebook series.