

The Middlebury College Collaborative Development Lab (CodeLab) has been developing curricular web applications since 2002 including systems for managing content, assets, assessments and knowledge bases.   Our focus has been on creating tools for small liberal arts colleges that are useful, useable and simple. 

Our most developed application is the Segue Collaborative Knowledge System.  Released as open source software in 2003, Segue has evolved to support blogging, tagging, podcasting, wiki-linking and versioning and is now in version 1.8.4.  We also have developed a digital asset management system called Concerto (for a feature tour, see: Segue > Concerto). 

Concerto as well as Segue v2 which is currently in development are built using the Harmoni.  Harmoni is a PHP service-oriented application framework and is part of our O.K.I. in PHP initiative.  Harmoni includes implementations of many of the Open Knowledge Initiative open service interface definitions (OSIDs)