Monthly Archives: February 2010

Segue from Segue Focus Group Sessions

Categories: Announcements

To help find platforms to replace Segue, the Library and Information Services (LIS) Curricular Technology team will be coordinating the formation of Segue from Segue focus groups.  The goal of these focus groups is to understand how faculty teach and how they use the technologies currently available to them at Middlebury and beyond.

To ensure focus group discussions are manageable and productive, each session will be limited to 8-10 participants and session registration is required.

Here is a list sessions currently scheduled:

Online Discussion

This group will focus on the role of online discussion in classes at Middlebury.

Register (required for participation)

10-11 am, March 8, Library 145 (cancelled)
3-4 pm, March 15, Library 145

10-11 am, March 17, Library 145

Assignments & Assessment

This group will focus on how assignments are “assigned” to students, how students submit their completed assignments, how they receive feedback on their assignments and other ways student performance is assessed (quizzes, exams, papers, projects, participation…).

Register (required for participation)

2:30-3:30 pm, March 9, Library 105

2:30-3:30 pm, March 16, Library 105

Websites & Media

This group will focus on use of course web sites, access to course sites and the use of media (e.g. images, audio, video)

Register (required for participation)

4:30-5:30 pm, March 10, Library 145

12-1 pm, March 18, Library 145

Usage Analysis: Language Learning Resources

Categories: Updates

The Language Schools and language departments have long been innovators in the use of technology.  I have reviewed many of the language learning resource sites that have been created over the years and drafted a description of some of the ways Segue has been used for language instruction, see:  Language Learning Resources

I invited others to send us more examples of language learning resources at Middlebury or comment on any of the resources listed on this site.

Technology Usage Analysis

Categories: Updates

To help us understand the functional requirement of platforms and applications that will be needed in the future including those that will replace Segue, we have started to do some curricular technology usage analyzes.

The first usage analysis we have done is an overview of Segue usage.  Over 5000 sites have been created in Segue since it was introduced in 2003 at Middlebury.  Over 12,000 individuals have created Segue user accounts.  About a third of the sites  created in Segue have been for courses, another 30-40% have been for personal sites and the remaining have been for “custom” sites which could include department and area sites or curricular resource sites.

For more details, see: Segue Usage Analysis

Segue from Segue: Strategy and Timeline

Categories: Updates

The Library and Information Services (LIS) Curricular Technology (CT) team will be leading the project to phase out Segue and find one or more replacements for it.  The team will definitively use the Middlebury Web Makeover project as a model for how to engage the college community in this critical transition (for more information on why we are doing this, see: Segue Decommissioning).  Indeed many of the team members are actively involved in managing different aspect of the transition to the new college site.

Currently the team is reviewing the many course sites and curricular resources that have been developed over the years at Middlebury in Segue and other platforms.  From this review we hope to get a sense of how faculty and students are using technology in their teaching, learning and research.

Based in these findings the team will help coordinate the formation of curricular technology focus groups to define the functional requirements for platforms replacing Segue.  We also hope that these focus groups will help draft a set of survey questions that we can send out to the entire college community.  Our goal is to engage as much of the college community as possible.

Project Timeline

The CT team is committed to making recommendations for Segue replacements by the end of the Spring semester (May 2010).  We will be publishing a more detailed timeline in the next week or so.