Below is a list of the kinds of functionality we think we would need to have in place before Segue can be completely phased out. Given that we’ll likely have many tools for curricular use, not all platforms/applications need to have all the functionality listed here. If there are features or functionality in Segue that we have left out in this list, please let us know.
Access Control
- Can be implemented to use Midd authentication
- Access to content/resources can be granted to any group defined in Active Directory (AD) including class groups
- Access can be defined for “portions” of a site (i.e. sub-sections or sub-pages) such that different groups can have different roles in any given portion of site/resource
- Access control UI needs to be able to:
- search all users/groups
- assign roles to any found user/group
- add users/groups to a “meta” group for that site/resource (i.e. group of “site members”)
- Support for blogging (multiple posts on a page sorted recent first)
- Support for online discussion with following features:
- threading
- HTML editor
- File attachments
- Discussion post sorting (recent first, recent last, threaded, flat…)
- Support for diacritics and non-Roman fonts
File Management
- Web-based file upload (ideally with support for uploading multiple files at the same time)
- Support for large file management and distribution
Content Management
- Hierarchical organization of content into sections, pages, sub-pages etc..
- Organization by tagging and aggregation by tags
- Sorting of content
- Content versioning
- Reorganization of content
- reordering of content blocks
- move/copy content hierarchies (i.e. move/copy sections with multiple pages or pages with multiple content nodes/blocks) from one site/location to another
- Copy sites (i.e. copy a course site from a previous semester and reuse in current or future semester):
- copy site roles and content attribution
- copy site layout
- options for removing roles and discussion posts when copying
Content Migration
- Export of content to well-defined XML format or static HTML
- Import of content from comparable platforms
Course, Site and Namespace Management
- Listing of past, current and future courses for students and faculty with links to course sites (if available)
- Course/site self service creation for current and future courses
- Course site namespace management
- course sites with course code in site url
- multiple course site urls resolving to specified url (i.e. mechanism for ensuring that one course site can be used for multiple course sections)
- Track participation in course site (i.e. aggregation all contributions from a given user across a site in a single sortable list)
Curricular Technology Functional Requirements
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