

MediaWiki is the application used by Wikipedia.  Middlebury College has an instance of MediaWiki available for the Middlebury College users.  Many sections of our instance of MediaWiki can be added to and edited by anyone with a Middlebury College user account.  Other sections of the site are limited to particular groups at Middlebury. 

MediaWiki is the best application to use for large wikis that are meant to be edited by many people.  Library and Information Services (LIS) maintains a number of wikis including those for Educational Technology, Collection Management and Helpdesk.

To contribute to any of these wikis, Do the following:

  1. Log in to Middlebury’s MediaWiki instance
  2. Go to one of the pages, categories, wikis you are interested in
  3. Click on the discussion or edit tab

For more information on MediaWiki at Middlebury, see: LIS > MediaWiki