

iTunes Feature Requests

In order for iPods to be better suited for educational purposes, a
number of enhancements are being requested here for consideration

  • support for RSS 2.0 feeds with enclosures
  • configuration options for use in computer labs
  • full access to iPod filing system
  • Better support for Windows
  • More flexible metadata display

In addition, the educational community will likely want to be able to aggregate iTunes metadata for the purpose of tracking, assessment and sharing preferences.


Support for RSS 2.0 feeds with enclosures

Apparently iTunes version 4.9 will have support for podcasting.


Configuration options for use in computer labs

The current version of iTunes is not ideal for use in centrally administered computer labs. While iTunes can be set up store audio files on a remote server, the metadata about those files can only be stored locally. This means that in order to add new audio files to iTunes on a lab image, the lab administrator would need to modify the lab image…

iTunes should have an advanced function that searches the iTunes Music folder and adds to the iTunes music library the metadata of any new files.  iTunes should then include an option to run this function on start up. This would allow a lab administrator or others with appropriate permissions to add files directly to the iTunes Music folder and have those files become accessible via iTunes on lab images.


Full access to iPod filing system

Currently iTunes does not have full access to the iPod filing system.  Specifically iTunes can not move or copy files on the iPod to the filing system of a desktop or laptop computer.  This is particularly problematic when an iPod is in manual update mode since it prevents users from being able to easily backup portions of their iPod.  In addition, Voice memos recorded using a voice recorder such as iTalk can not be shared unless users configure their iPod to automatically update with iTunes.

Allow iTunes to have full access to iPod filing system in general and in particular, allow iTunes to copy/move audio files from iPod to desktop or laptop computer

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