
Widgets are information or functionality you can put into the sidebar(s) of your blog.  Common widgets include those that display a list of recent post or recent comments or pages on your site.  To add widgets to your blog do the following:

  1. Go to your blog Dashboard
  2. Click on Appearance > Widgets in your Dashboard left sidebar
  3. Drag widgets from the “Available Widgets” area onto one of your sidebar areas
  4. Configure the widget and click its “Save” button

The most commonly used widgets for blogs are the “Recent Posts” and “Recent Comments”  widgets.   This site includes documentation of a number of widgets that may also be useful

Widget Areas

Most themes at Middlebury include a the following widget areas.

Primary Widget Area = right sidebar

Secondary Widget Area = 2nd right sidebar

Tertiary Widget Area = left sidebar

First, Second, Third and Fourth Footer Widget Areas = 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th columns of the footer area

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