Site Creation


Segue can be used to creating various types of sites including course, news, journal, peer review and e-portfolio.

Site owners can assign add/edit/delete permissions to any content block, page or section in their site to any other user.

Themes can be applied to any site and updated independent of content.  Each theme can be varied by settings and custom headers and footers can be added

Site Creation…
Creating a Site
Creating a Course Site
Creating Associated Sites and Participant Lists
Assigning Permisions to Other Participants
Changing Theme Settings


For any given class site (i.e. a site with a Roster of participants), associated sites for all participants can be created.

Help Documentation

New Sites and Users

By default, every Segue user is given a "slot" that they can use to create a personal site. In addition, Segue administrators can create any number of additional "slots" which can be assigned to any Segue user and used for any purpose. Below is the user interface (UI) for accessing personal site, other sites, as well as "slot" from which a site can be created.

Access & Activation

Users can specify who can view a given site and when it is available for viewing. In addition they can chose hide their site at any time. Site owners can refine access to further through Segue’s granular roles and permissions.

Creating a Site

How to create a site…
To create a new site in Segue do the following:

  1. Click on the link to Create Site
  2. Chose a title, indicate activation dates (optional),
    specify who can view your site and
    indicate whether the site is hidden or not
  3. Chose a theme for your site
  4. Chose a template for your site


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