Copying Sites

Segue sites can be moved or copied from one location in Segue to any other location where you can create a site.  Locations where you can create sites are known as placeholders.  In order to copy or move a site to a placeholder, the placeholder must be empty (i.e. must not contain a site)

Any given unused site placeholder can be made an alias of another site.  Thus if a given course has multiple sections (e.g. span0101a-s09, span0101b-s09, span0101c-s09), a site can be made for one section (e.g. span0101a-s09) and the other sections (e.g. span0101b-s09, span0101c-s09) can be made aliases of that section.

To copy a site from one location to another

  1. Go to your Segue Home > Portal
  2. Click on the link to “copy” for the site you want to copy
  3. Find the unused placeholder where you want to copy the site to and click on the link to “paste”
  4. Chose whether you want to move or copy the site and whether to include or remove roles and discussion posted and click the “Copy Checked” or “Moved Checked” button

To make an unused placeholder an alias for another site

  1. Click on the link to “Make Alias” for the unused placeholder you want to be redirected to another site
  2. Type in the name of the placeholder that will be the target of the alias
  3. Click the “Make Alias” button

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