
Extension Mechanisms

Segue is designed with a variety of mechanisms for customizing its look and feel, content, and operation. These mechanisms each cover a different area of extesibility and require differing ranges of skill and effort to use. They are listed below in order of increasing ammounts of effort to implement.

  • Themes – Change the look and feel of a site.
  • Site-Templates – Provide a ‘starting point’ for new sites.
  • Text-Templates – Allow users to use markup to insert custom HTML, embedded Flash objects, and/or Javascript. e.g. {‌{video|service=youtube|id=s13dLaTIHSg|width=425|height=344}‌}
  • Plugins – Create new types of content blocks. These can have editing forms, their own actions, database tables, and other rich operations.
  • OSID Service Implementations – Build your own O.K.I. OSID service implementation to allow Segue to save its data in your own custom Repository system, use your own Authentication or Group management system, or otherwise change the underlying operation of the system.

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