Visitor Registration Configuration

About Visitor Registration

Visitor Registration was added to Segue 2 in beta 22.

Visitor Registration enables people without credentials in other Segue authentication systems to register for visitor accounts. Visitor accounts do not have any special access levels and by default can only perform actions where authorization is given to ‘Everyone’. Site administrators can search for visitor accounts in the ‘Permissions’ wizard and like other accounts can give individual visitor accounts additional access to the site as desired.

The Visitor Registration form makes use of the reCAPTCHA test to prevent scripted registrations of accounts. Additionally, it is required that users validate their email address via a secret registration token that is emailed to the address that they enter.

Users with existing accounts are prevented from creating visitor accounts using the email address listed in their existing account to prevent duplicates. Email domains can be black and/or whitelisted from registering.


  1. Enable Visitor Registration

    Edit config/authentication_sources.conf.php and un-comment the ‘visitors’ line.

  2. Configure reCAPTCHA API keys
    1. Go to and sign up for API keys for your site.
    2. Edit config/recaptcha.conf.php and add enter the public and private keys, uncommenting the define() statements.
  3. Optional: Blacklist and/or Whitelist email domains

    Edit config/authentication-visitors.conf.php and add entries as needed to the ‘domain_blacklist’ or ‘domain_whitelist’ arrays.

  4. Optional: Configure email "From" name and address

    Edit config/authentication-visitors.conf.php and enter custom values for the ’email_from_name’ and ’email_from_address’. These may need to be set to valid values to enable email sending through certain mail systems.

    These values are used in the confirmation emails sent when visitors register.

Potential Issues

The email confirmation step uses the PHP mail() function. You must configure your PHP installation to support sending of email.

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